Aug 31, 2012

The Show

2D structure of anticonvulsant valproic acid
To date the research has identified molecules in chocolate, a variety of berries and foods containing omega-3 fatty acids that are structurally similar to valproic acid. Valproic acid is the active chemical in drugs presently prescribed to smooth out mood swings in bipolar disorder and other mood disorders.
There's been a lot of talk of disillusionment this week at the RNC, as though it has been invented by the current administration and they are responsible for the whole of it since the inception of mankind.

I understand that Obama has contributed to the mood, but in my home he is not the topic of conversation. What is a topic here is a lost home, a found one, a precarious job climate and an uncertain retirement. Obama didn't create those, they came with the job.

There is no doubt Obama is an orator, but he delivers economic and cultural news like a stern father out of work and having to tell his children the summer trip to Disneyland is off. I am surprised that he has not been much of a Drum Major with colorful and fine plumage, strutting out front in long strides and championing our power and glory to the world. I think he may not share his country's strong sense of entitlement, but I have never believed he does not deeply love this country.

His efforts have been heartfelt and earnest with many sleepless nights contemplating each and every turn of the bend and the best direction to steer the country. It has not been an easy row to hoe with all the issues in play, and I will state honestly and openly that had John McCain earned the chair we would be in even worse shape.

Back to the NRC. It felt gOOd to sit and listen in dreamy wonderment and hyperbole the boyish enthusiasm that cheered me up like a great big bar of smooth chocolate making those happy endorphens jump for joy. Yayyyy to America!

And what a show it was. Americans are arrogant beings, and the RNC played into that with its high sense of self-importance.
  • We ARE the greatest country in the world, and do GOOD THINGS to maintain and bring PEACE in the world.
  • It is our burden to make THE WORLD'S decisions for them.
  • We CAN recapture the innovation to again produce the world's GOODS AND SERVICES because we were on the ground floor during the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION and it is OURS.
  • We are GOOD and JUST and WORTHY
  • And now, byGod, God's on our side if you vote for R&R.
The Republicans will not accomplish health and welfare normalization and a chicken in every pot. They won't be able to equalize an unequal playing field and the caste system that is entrenched in our country. They will not dislodge the powers that be in Washington DC and the money that makes things happen.

But it was nice to hear they would try. We have sorely missed being told our leaders 'get it' and care about something other than finishing up their term with their skin. For Americans, it's always been about fighting the good fight so we feel good about ourselves.

In the Obama camp of friends, I am hearing a lot of things: that it wasn't his fault he was stonewalled into a lameduck Presidency for nearly all 4 years; that he tried a lot of legislation that was trampled and left for dead on the House and Senate floors; and that even for reprisal ideas he has presented that were originally Republican ideas, they were voted down because his name was attached.

History is not going to take that into account. So although yes yes yes to all of the above, one of his chief failings is in not commanding the respect his position deserves. He has been openly challenged on the House and Senate floors, spit at and disparaged in public. Who do we think we are to disrespect The Office of the President? An Equal? Not I, said the duck.

In the Republican camp of friends here in California, the news is astonishingly rude; that he is an unAmerican, black muslim outsider who does not love and believe in our country; a man whose values and integrity sympathize with our enemies; a man who is remaking America in his own image which is a Godless, unAmerican place.

That's a pretty big assertion for a man who can't even get legislation passed, to have the clout and power to reshape an entire country in one term and steal its soul. I think the people saying these things are representing the least American values of all.

I listen to how threatened and intolerant they are to different beliefs, cultures and backgrounds. What it comes down to in my book is these people want the White House to mirror their views and nothing more, which is impossible given the cultural complexity of our great nation. I don't know about you, but I vote in who I hope to be the best person for the job. And if I wanted me for the job, I would be on the ballot.

The loudest voices seem to be the least informed on political matters, and they instead adopt propaganda from the radio and news as their own view. They do not participate in this amazing opportunity in a country that welcomes their voice. They don't want to work to make a differenceL what they really want is the show.

Follow me ... said the Pied Piper;
let me give you a ride across the river ...
said the crocodile to the monkey;
you can have it all ... said the devil.

 I think we all would do well with some hot chocolate and a nap before we decide.

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