Jul 27, 2010

Power to the People

I've been absorbed in this house/loan/what-to-do issue and, after discovering free financial spreadsheets to personalize, I have math whiz powers. No, really.

It was superfun. The 2010 spreadsheet is currently a complicated series of categories that explain how we spend and on what. It sprang to life over days and days of pulling information from who-knows-where and adjusting it so it reflects what we do. And for a second I sat back with a satisfied smile and lorded over all the subcategories with vertical and horizontal totals and interconnected worksheets.

Jul 12, 2010

Hang Onto That Hat

Well the news is in, and it's not so good. The home appraisal, the one we knew would come in so we could refi and get out from under this terrible-awful-no-good-very-bad loan came in. Really low. Too low. So low in fact that we wondered what exactly was wrong with the appraiser. Did she miss the beautiful carpets and the remodeled kitchen and bathroom and yummy pool?

Not only that. The comps she used were for unimproved homes in the neighborhood and all of them currently underpriced and on the market in foreclosure. Have you heard of such a thing?

Jul 8, 2010

99 Weeks

IN THE NEWS: "On Wednesday, June 30, the United States Senate rejected a bill that would extend the expired unemployment benefits that have been keeping approximately 1.2 million unemployed Americans afloat. Known as "99ers" (which refers to those who have received 99 weeks of unemployment checks), many are desperate to work but cannot find a job."

Need Washing?

 There is an Inspirational internet story to share. Hope you enjoy it. (Anonymous)

"A little girl had been shopping with her Mom in Target. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful red haired, freckle faced image of innocence.. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the earth it has no time to flow down the spout. We all stood there under the awning and just inside the door of the Target.

Jul 6, 2010

Our Little Part

Saturday was a beautiful day and Steve and Barbara were over. As we were moving lunch to the outside table, there was a hawk sitting under the awning right by our door. It startled us; it startled him, and he flew up to the umbrella and kept looking at us.

We never see hawks around here and  couldn't figure out what would motivate him to go so close to the house. Eventually he flew to a distant tree and then went elsewhere. And about an hour later when we watered the plants we discovered a little Dove huddled behind one of the planters, and she rushed out and over the fence to safety.

Last year the Blue Jays got one of the nests under our awning, so we were glad to see she made it out okay. Pretty smart bird (she let us run interference).

pH for the Soul

I've been studying up on pH in our bodies and ordered a couple of books. It's fascinating to think about the relationship between pH and good health and how foods can help overall health, strength, endurance and longevity.

Did you happen to catch Stephen Colbert last week when he interviewed Nicholas Carr about his new book The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to our Brains. (??) It is one of a body of emerging works about the molecular changes that occur in our brains by being bombarded by a vast amount of superficial details. It will be interesting to read how he proves the thesis that prolonged exposure to such fast-paced technology damages our long-term cognitive, social and introspective brain functions.