Feb 23, 2010

Checklist: check!

Today is the day after the last day we met with Alfred. Today is the day we bring the last details to life. Vases and mirrors are washed and ready. Candle holders and manzanita, sparkles and candies are today's chore and another round of tidying up the house before our first guests arrive tomorrow morning. Table drapes and room layout and meetings and pedicures, between now and Thursday.

Checklist: check! There are all sorts of bags with stuff to take along on Saturday. This will be our day, our way. Last night we ran through the ceremony and practiced the words and timing with the music, and imagined what it will be like to be surrounded by love and good wishes. Louie and Dean and The Fab 4 will usher us in. I was kind of surprised I wasn't feeling self-conscious at all as I looked up into his eyes and felt the warmth of his hands. I saw only him.

I have a feeling a lot of our life together will be like that. I hope so, anyway.


  1. I knew you were gonna have some Beatles tunes. Can't go wrong there. Is it gonna be All My Loving? I Want to Hold Your Hand? All You Need Is Love? The tension is killing me!

  2. Anonymous23/2/10

    Wait and see, my man, wait and see.
