Mar 8, 2010

Unity Coin Ceremony

Well here we are, old married folk. (New marriage, old folk is more like it!) I'm sure there are many blogs to come about the wonderful fun of sharing in the celebration, Aunt Toodie and the Conga line and Uncle Dick with the rose in his teeth, and so many many more stories and smiles.

On My Spiritual Wedding site, we learned about Unity Coins in lieu of the Unity Candle. The coins seemed perfect to represent exactly what we wanted to convey to each other in witness by our families and friends, tangible lessons we've learned along the way about love and giving that will help make our marriage joyous and full. Adding them to the ceremony was very meaningful.


The symbolic use of coins in a wedding ceremony is a tradition in many countries. In addition to the hope for prosperity and luck, it has come to also celebrate the spiritual and emotional journey a couple makes together. On the back side of each coin is the Celtic marriage knot and on the front is a universal symbol representing one of the 13 qualities of an enduring marriage:

Love, Caring, Trust, Unity, Commitment, Nurturing, Respect, Cooperation, Joy, Happiness, Wisdom, Peace, Harmony

May these Unity Coins represent the commitment to your marriage through your unwavering dedication to each other. We ask the Lord to keep these virtues present in your hearts and the coins to be a faithful reminder of your abundant love.

(Our hands closed over the coins for a moment – his and mine sharing equally to hold them)

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