Nov 9, 2012

On Being Tuesday

A morning stretch and bam! it's Friday!  Puttering around at home and catching up with friends/fam is definitely on the top 10 hit parade for the weekend. I just love Friday.

So focused am I on Friday that I wonder if I really even see Tuesday. How different would it be to be more grateful for Tuesday and not shrug it off as merely a waystation to somewhere else?

Life is speeding up with technology, but also in the general pace and energy of life. We are stimulated 24/7 by electronic connections that demand attention. It is second nature now, the Facebook and Twitter. We almost always have a phone in our hand.

It reminds me of the scene in The Time Machine when Rod Taylor tries out the machine for the first time. He's in the laboratory with the windowed ceiling and wall, and we watch him push forward on the throttle. He has no idea what to expect, but he is curious to find out. The changes are abrupt! All of a sudden the sky and seasons fly by and the mannequins in the shop across the street go through a hundred years of fashion changes. We are transported somewhere new and strange.

I was relieved to know the Time Machine has a back button. But it was just a story. In real life, to slow our forward journey requires self control.  I am going to do a little experiment. I'm going to shift my thinking from counting weeks to counting days. In other words,  treat every day as important as Friday has become ~ each in its own right as its own destination point.

Living Present will make them more visible. I'd like to stretch awake and exclaim, oh good! it's Tuesday!!  Maybe there is untapped joy and purpose within the day. And what I suspect is it will slow life down a little bit. No need to wolf it down! And part of that is staring down the poor technology habits I have developed. From now on, mine will be muted and tucked away at night so I can be present at home.

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