Apr 18, 2012

'Aha! Moment' (from 2009)

There was a moment last week where I got to see why God passed on the promotion for me. I surely don't recognize moments like these as often as I should.

On and off during the last couple few weeks, I have contemplated this situation, wrestling with my promo ego and job title. It made me question my skillset - did it pass muster? - and my age - was I past my professional prime? I knew these answers would be important if I was to put it to rest.

When things happen like this, eventually there is a reflective quality. Such as, I'm not a limelight kind of gal. I toil happily behind the scenes, all about the details, and making things hum. Baby take the bow because I'm happy not to.

The Aha! moment came during a meeting as I watched the new Asst draw herself forward, with all eyes focused there. She stumbled and stammered through the presentation and I realized how much of her life would be about media interaction, public functions, visible and quotable regrets. All my pettiness melted away and I once again thanked Him for calling it right and revealing to me the wisdom to make peace with letting it go.

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