Jul 9, 2008


I had an interesting thing happen this week. A conversation with one of the girls brought up some vivid memories of my past, some 40 odd years ago, and something similar to what she is experiencing now. My eyes instantly welled up, and I was flat amazed at how modern life could be so unrecognizable and at the same time so completely unchanged.

I know it seems like a shock when big things hit our lives, like it's come out of the blue. But maybe it's more that we haven't looked hard enough to see life moving along the whole time, quickening the pace between leaves raked up in piles. How could I not notice my dog sleep more of the day as her muzzle turns gray?

What I say is what I know from where I've been, that years of trial and error, loving and losing, risking and winning train the eye to see past the glitz and twirl of life to the constancy beneath. Our feet reach for it, to anchor there and find the best of ourselves and a sense of place.

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