Jan 13, 2013


Where has the time gone?

Every minute more precious as the years fly by.

I have forgotten already the tenor of my mother's laugh, but not her hug or her broad smile.

We never forget why we loved them or give away the enormous place they hold in our hearts.

It would be wonderful if things could stay just the way we remember them. But if they did, there would be no room for all the wonderful things that are waiting.

New, interesting characters.

Love, for instance.

And appreciating the beauty of history and age, and the magic that fills our life.

How lucky we are to be able to share so much of our journey together.

Thank you for all of it, even the hard parts (especially the hard parts).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous17/1/13

    Beautiful Nanci and so, so true. I love you more today than yesterday.
