Jul 5, 2012

A New Kinda

I think the events of the last 2 months have been nothing short of a miracle. Or if you think it's just a series of unrelated coincidences and prefer that label, that's fine. But I've made my choice already.

The story is this. We met the right kind of people who could help us get through the quagmire of legalese and bank-induced hysteria with our current home. We listened but we also took their advice and began moving forward after the house was sold. When an opportunity arose, and we happened to see it first, we trusted our agent's leadership and direction, even during the difficult parts of escrow when it seemed doomed to fail. She kept up the hope that someday we would emerge with keys in hand.

That day came on the third of July. With keys in our pocket, we sprayed ourselves with Skin So Soft and put chairs out front with a plant and began the chore list, the first of many steps between now and then when life will move somewhere new. I do not begrudge the spiders who have taken up residence in my absence, but now they must go.

We are satisfied. It is the realization of a childhood dream, of course, but also a chance to rebalance and find another, more authentic path as an older adult. It is creating a going-into-retirement-shortly series of interesting challenging hobbies and habits. It positions us to become more involved in our lifestyle - growing vegetables, composting, having a proper workshop, and room to roam. We have always craved a life of more simplicity and quiet, from the hustle and bustle of what it is dawn to dusk, and at this age know ourselves well enough to know an opportunity when we see one.

My fingertips trail along the wood paneling in the hall, and I think about my Grandma Mac who was just a toddler when this was built in 1902. It is like a family bible in a way, this ranch house with its stories and heritage. A whole clan lived here, worked the land, married, had children, and died here. We want to know about the families from the families that know these parts and have lived here always. And then we will add our own indellible stamp.

Just the chance to do that is a dream come true.

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