May 21, 2012

It pays to be friendly

Every time I get to selling something, a light switches on. Take for instance our yard sale yesterday: we had a terrific day putting out our *stuff* on tables and dragging out furniture and then just sat back and met the town. We stuck signs on the cars and put them in the street, and that's all the advertising that was needed.

Hi there, where are you from and whatcha stopping for? In that way we met a young man who just bought his first house around the corner, who really couldn't believe there were new-in-the-box Stetsons in his size. It took all day, but he bought both of them. Other visitors included a little boy who had to have the marshmallow shooter in the box; the neighbor's daughter who had always wanted a waffle iron; and the new neighbor who we hadn't met.

I liked the banged-up furniture collector who forgot she had no money in her purse after buying the buffet, and true to her word was back in a jif with a little extra for our trouble. One couple screeched to a halt because they saw a chaise lounge with a pad, and there was the shy, engaged couple who accepted our wedding gift of a set of dishes to start them off.

It was hotter than blue blazes by 10 but we managed, through a local realtor showing the house, and several inadvertent showings myself. Lightswitch time.

The first gal stopped by after looking at the house online. She was driving by to see it in person and lo and behold! we were out front. So she asked to see the yard, and one thing led to another and I heard her story while we walked the house. She lives with her elderly parents and her pop is heading into the senior assisted living just down the street, and she is looking for somewhere close by where her mom can walk down and they can live together. (Here's the realtor's number)

There was a second family I don't remember, but the third family I toured was a fun older Oregon couple originally from San Francisco and a long 45 minute chat with the hubs and all the stories tumbling back and forth, while the Mrs. and I walked the yard and house. Their daughter lives in town who wants to buy a place for them to live in and rent. They sure liked the pool... (Here's the card)

Yard sales are a really great way to connect. We made decent money and a donation to UCP, plus squeezed in a swim, an afternoon movie and the Annular Eclipse. Bam! Good day! You never know where friends are lurking (the older gent and his wife are coming later today for a visit).

I happen to think someone we met yesterday may very well be the next lucky person to live here.  After all, two of my past houses were sold in just this way, to neighbors and friends.

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