Apr 3, 2012

One Big Dog Day

Recently we headed into the Gold Country for a day of snooping in the shops. It's like catnip to the hubs, who can't resist a visit with the shopkeep to talk coins and clocks. Sammy did the meet-n-greet thing with half the town, it seemed like, and was warmly received.  Smiles, pats, big discussions about her temperament, and a couple of dog treats made it a pretty fine afternoon.

It had been storming all last week and today it was sunny and beautiful, mid 60s. Sammy was very well behaved, except for that really REALLY fun bichon in the antique shop that wanted to play, and everyone had to rush to pick them up. Not in here!!!

On the way up, we made a quick detour in Auburn and were sitting at the light. Sam was on my lap smiling at the cars and people, everyone waving, and then over our shoulder we heard a really loud voice through a loudspeaker say 'Quit looking at me.'

What was that? We spun around in our seats and saw a motorcycle cop sitting behind a bush at the exit, smiling and looking right at Sam.  'MEOW', he said.

Sam's ears perked up and she kept watching him, wagging and smiling, and the cop wagging and smiling back. He said, 'He was probably a motorcycle cop in his last life.' 

We heartily laughed as we waived our goodbyes and headed on our way. (I think maybe the cop is trading up on the next go-round.)

1 comment:

  1. God, I just love your stories, even when I am there living what you are writing.
