Mar 11, 2012

Transitions! Transitions!

We were given new computers at work. It has all sorts of extra stuff and increased power and responsiveness. It has the upgraded Windows 7. I sure hope Microsoft didn't cut the company a deal because it's a dog of a program and tomorrow will put out version 7.125 that fixes all the bugs in the one I just got.

It's black and sleek with a new car smell. I turn it on and sloop! on comes the screen and in a quarter of the time the log in appears. Whoa: that BMW is quick on that curve and I'm used to the old model Toyota.

Some things are generally the same, but oh boy some are not. With this go round, "they" have grouped things in these weird little clusters at the top of the page. That is especially true in Excel which I use predominantly. You can no longer just click on the icon at the top to highlight a square or freeze the top row for a scroll down. You have to find it, to think the way the geekers think, and figure out how it is grouped. And seriously, have a pad and pen handy, because once you spend a bunch of time finding it, most assurredly next time you will have forgotten where it is.

My mom used to set up her address book interestingly. Andy Williams was in the A's and sometimes in the W's and sometimes under C because they met at church. (I wonder what made me think of that.)

Anyway, yada yada, more transitions. But I love the quick download of pdf files with lightening speed, and split frame excel spreadsheets to toggle between them. It's so good I probably don't need that 2nd screen anymore because of that, so the desk is a little more spacious. I now have a shiny new DVD player and the speakers actually work, so really I'm set.

They even transfered over all the Favorites and photos. So my buddy at work had just gotten an upgrade the day prior and I observed her working off both computers for awhile: hunched over a laptop and her new desktop sitting behind.

When she finally came up for air and converted over, I found her wandering around looking for her printed documents, only to realize that she hadn't connected the printer yet.

My printer problems were different. My default settings were to a Dell printer (3) which I assumed was what I printed to before. I printed six or eight things and have yet to find them. I added paper to every printer up and down the hall, and that's pretty much the extent of my technical printer expertise unless you want me to turn it off.

Our printers are networked statewide, so I concluded my docs are probably at an office in Bakersfield with people scratching their heads.

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