Mar 2, 2012

Linda Rapp

A little old lady we happened to meet
As we sat in the sun with Sam at our feet
Came walking on by and on chance grabbed a seat.

She said she was searching for her family pet
Who couldn't come with her, she had to admit
For a hospital stay, in Auburn CA.

The Sheriff, he took her from under her nose
And told her he'd place her where she could repose
And wait for her owner whenever she chose.

She had no choice, really, and cried and was mad
But what could she do? Her health was quite bad
And one week turned into three weeks, which was sad.

On the day she was sprung she searched high and searched low
But no one could tell her where the dog had been stowed;
By then, she had no home or apartment to go.

So she stayed in a room in Placer CA
And searched and made calls, but they turned her away
She traveled the state til she hit Monterey

And that is how she came to be on our block
In a chair at our table in complete utter shock
And desperate to find her best friend and lost pup.

My heart lept to action, I had to step in
And so as we talked I began to fill in
Answers to questions and where to begin.

I promised to e-hunt as soon as I could
Find a hint of her dog, and I thought that I would,
But how would I reach her, and how could she call?

Because she had nothing, nothing at all.
She said she would call me to see what I found
(By the time we got home, her calls were profound.)

I said hold your horses: I'm just getting home!
But her heart was in pain and she couldn't let go
So I jumped on to help her and looked on my own.

I found what I think was her dog up near me
And a nice rescue center who knew the story
But now she was homeless and unsuitable, you see?

You're kidding me, right? My heart clutched a bit
as I nodded my head and bit on my lip.
Why not ask the dog if she's still a good fit?

But those are the rules and the dog has been placed
in a home with some stairs and a yard and some space.
I think the whole thing is a total disgrace.

My last glimpse of her down in old Monterey
was turning a corner, in a sad sort of way
No dog was beside her and nothing to say.

There's a little old woman alone and depressed,
who wanders the streets with her cane and her vest
No family to speak of, and feeling adrift.


  1. So not right! They should have kept the dog till her release, and then returned it to her. She needed that dog!

  2. She still does; she and I talk all the time. They 'say' I'm lying when I spoke with someone at a rescue who identified where the dog was. It breaks my heart, it really does.
