Jan 2, 2012


My honorary mom passed away at 89 on New Years Eve, the gal who wrapped me in a hug and tucked me into her brood when I was a co-ed and struggling with my relationship with my own mom.

Marge was the lady who always had food on the stove and a melodious laugh that filled the room. And booze in the cabinet.

She had a great sense of humor and a sharp tongue but for some reason the two of us remained on good behavior status with each other. In 37 years I don't remember having had a cross word. How we skimmed over all the messy parts of family life, I'll never know, but our connection remained strong. Magical.

I always felt she glommed onto the best parts of me and decided that was all she needed to know. And so the disappointments of screwing up and making flubs were glossed over. From those first days to the last, that's how it was. She was my Head Cheerleader.

There'll be no service for her, I'm told, having outlived all of her friends and even her spouse. With no fanfare at all, she will be remembered by her grandchildren and children before the assets are weighed and house emptied. Life will go on.

But before all of that happens, let me say I wish you had known her! I miss the chance to gather to celebrate and tell stories of her life and acknowledge how important she was.  But today I am not as much family as before; and, like this post, I will find a way to keep her stories and funny memories alive.


  1. In a way, your blog will keep her memory alive more effectively than a memorial service would have. What a tremendous gift you're able to offer!

    I'm sorry for your loss.

  2. Thanks, Deb. She was a gem.
