Nov 1, 2011

Rock On

2011 is a dance between Immunity and Vulnerability. So much bad news, so much negativity, so many worries; So much beauty, astonishing things to learn and do, so much gratefulness.

Bad news has its first response of compassion, followed by outreach and prayerful energy for healing, and then maybe a slide-in wrap-up prayer of thanksgiving for ourselves. (Until one day I realized the selfishness in that, as in: thank you for *it* not happening to me.)

So now with listening ears on, I hear the desperateness in our voices; the search for dissimilarities (rather than similarities) to be insulated from harm;  and the struggle to make better choices for ourselves before it is too late.

For those growing up with the same values and opportunities, living the same dream, eating the same food, breathing the same air, playing the same games, learning from the same books - how is it one can develop cancer and one not? One become a big business CEO and one not? One change the world and one not?  One slide through the rough times and one not?

Good questions to figure out. Rock on.

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