Oct 25, 2010

Beep Beep

Better than Fiction:

Yesterday there was an interesting tale of a 20 seater plane in the Congo crashing after one of its passengers smuggled a live alligator on board in a gym bag. The alligator somehow loosed itself and began roaming the aisles. Aisle.

Twenty people are encased in a small bullet hurling through the air and come upon an alligator, even a small one, weaving between their legs and going after the chickens on their laps. (Do Congoans even eat chickens?)

But I digress.

It was pandemonium. According to an eye witness and only survivor, the flight attendant dashed towards the Captain and a lot of the passengers followed, surging the weight to the front of the plane and causing it to crash in a field of thatched huts.

The alligator also survived, and was quickly dispatched by a machete on the ground. The story concludes with a fairly off-handed explanation that loose alligators are not all that uncommon on flights in this part of the world, and to their knowledge has never taken down a plane.

So ... a man boarding a plane with a wildly thrashing carry on doesn't arouse suspicion, but a grandmother with more than 3 ozs of shampoo is detained in Denver?

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