Oct 12, 2009

The Worry Stone

I've been down and out with the flu for a few and taken up worrying about things that aren't mine to decide so I made an electronic worry stone for what's on my mind. Hopefully it works.

Healthcare and Health: Things are stable and improving with most everyone, and people are in transition - including me, who has a long overdue date with exercise and eating sensibly. Aging parent issues with all of my friends are difficult and ongoing. And this new healthcare issue is driving me crazy.

Work and Money: Another friend lost her job last week, but two found ones. Most realize the impersonal environmental climate we are in and have stabilized their thinking, thank God. Kids: come home whenever you need. Houses are in jeopardy. How to pare down monthly expenses in a climate that doesn't encourage refinance is worrisome.

And as for that new phantom 2012 big cataclysmic event: Holy Crimeny! Calm down. The Mayans just ran out of room on the chart.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't have imagined when I wrote this on the 12th that I would be among the unemployed come the 30th.

    Life just doesn't go in a straight line. :(
