The minutes of my day tick by without thought. I sometimes get to work remembering only the songs on the radio and having admired the architecture of the mercedes SUV in front of me most of the way. Pulling into the lot, knowing the spot is waiting for me, is somehow comforting.
And then lights pop on and passwords are set for the day. What will come is in the wind as I help out, encourage and greet hundreds of kids, one at a time, one after another. First it's 11:05, then 1:25, 3:20 and 5. Where did the day go? So many kids have trailed in for all sorts of reasons, the respect and connections are strong and good. I matter to them, and they to me, and that has been a profoundly important lesson.
I wonder if teaching is my calling after all. My heart gently chides me for being surprised for what I see myself do. We hug and joke around as I push them, fight for them, make them stand tall and and grab their place in the world. There is nothing more exhilirating than knowing the good I do. In this moment in their life and mine, it matters.
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