Reflecting this morning, as I am prone to do, I am thinking of mutability and my many efforts to hold it at bay. If the only thing we can count on in change, why is it so hard to embrace? A moment comes, it captures me, I notice each subtle detail and think to myself, this moment right here, I am happy, I have arrived. This moment in time, right here, is where I want to stay suspended like a drop of water as gravity stretches it to let go of the branch. And the moment passes. If I'm exceptionally lucky, my memory crystallizes that moment because I have recognized its value in my memory.
The Faerie Queen (Edmund Spencer) was the first place I had read about mutability - the Mutability Cantos. Of course it is a theme weaveing through all good literature, but Spencer talks of us being SUBJECT to mutability. It is what it is, we adapt to it. If change defines life, does it not offer untapped flexibility and exploration by its very nature? Taking a step forward into uncharted territory - the excitement of trusting and not knowing the challenges ahead, isn't that the best of its offering? That good or bad, mutability promises varied experiences and a new horizon? I think that the life I've led has been the framework for the life I'm heading towards and all of the steps will take me somewhere wonderful and new. There is great comfort in that.
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