A little while ago, I stepped into my life in an entirely new way, knowing the road ahead was obscured by underbrush but being compelled forward.
We all redirect our course from time to time. Education stretches wide our wings as we gain perspective; parenting thrusts us into an unknown journey of abundant love; divorce and death makes us desperately cling to our built-in-bookcase lives to survive the lesson.
But this time was different. This time I had no warning, no map and no compass as I travelled at night, disoriented and alone. This journey began when my troubled son let drugs be a cave and no one else would venture into the depths. There, trembling in the shadow of his claustrophic life, I learned I could not pull him free. There, frightened and cold, love forced me to let go, to let others intercede, to give away what I held most dear.
I learned so many things from the shocking fallout of that. I learned there is nothing sweeter than the feel of feet as they again touch solid ground. I learned that holding the line and being bold leads to places we did not imagine were there. But mostly I learned that when we have the courage to face our fears, love returns to us what we need most.
So here we stand, my son and I, feeling the warmth on our shoulders and gratefulness in our hearts, here in this moment with our connection intact. Our journey has just begun.
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