We were invited to three weddings this summer which is unusual. All had all the details, a beautiful bride and organized well, food and celebrating afterwards. But we most enjoyed the ones where we were able to share in the tears, and the mishaps, the funny best man quips and the maid of honor dissolving into tears as she tries to give her speech.
I take my husband's hand in thanksgiving and smile into his eyes and share their moment of loving and honoring one another with their vows.
Lisa was the most beautiful bride. Her dress was exquisite, but it wasn't just that: everything about her demeanor was beautiful. Both of them were absolutely sure.
The wedding at the top of Heavenly Mountain was just about the most beautiful place imaginable. But what will always be most memorable about their day will be the day after, when we all came together at the shore.
Around 11am on Sunday, Rich and Lisa appeared in their wedding attire: she in her dress, and him in his tuxedo, dress shirt and pink tie that matched the bridesmaid's dresses. It was a public beach so it was packed.
I looked around. The kayakers had stopped paddling and stared. People in the boats laughed and pointed. Big smiles spread across everyone's faces on the beach with their families. The photographer had an underwater camera and took shots of them under water, smiling, with their arms wrapped around each other.
It's interesting when I retell the story, how the reaction is either shock at how wasteful it was, or absolute delight. I was thinking about the fate of my own wedding dress, and so many others that are packed away and eventually donated or tossed, and what an honorable end this one had being part of a hugely symbolic and meaningful moment for these young people.
It was a delight, start to finish. What we most hope for their marriage is that it is long and solid, and full of wonderful surprises. What a nice start!
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