It has been said that keeping your childlike innocence helps to see the world through that permanent lens. I suppose it's true. I was given a heaping scoop of that sort of thing. It is hereditary. On my father's side.

The boys were growing into their own lives and action was required to change the circumstance of my life. A chance. A risk. But where to start. Gradually my heart felt strong and possible. There was awkwardness with the untried skills and times I didn't recognize myself as I pressed on. I learned to live with being out of my element. I had a plan.
My inner circle was not happy. Some worried and wrung their hands; some sent spies to report back to the hive. Some acted like they celebrated the process but did not; some quit calling. But there were those who wrapped me up and said ... do not stray too far and lose your way. We are waiting when you return. They never said not to go.

I look back now and wonder if it was tucked around a 250 lb half German half Italian who has lit up my life or just a coincidence in timing. Maybe it was the clarity of being able to look at life with hopefulness again and finding the newness in normal everyday things.
All I know for sure is that life has balance now, and grit and laughter and love. And I am myself more than ever before.
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