Oct 9, 2011

A Day in the Life

We were watching One Step Beyond this afternoon instead of working in the yard. I think it was a much better use of our time. The old Alcoa Wrap commercials were introducing aluminum foil as the new best kitchen tool of the 1950s.

The cool thing about seeing old stuff like that is how different it seems now. The first time I saw the episodes, I'm sure I identified with the heroine, and now it's the parents.

Did somebody say play day?
Sam had her first play day with Gatsby yesterday now that her 2nd set of shots is done. Gats had come off a day of hard play with a new little friend on Friday with lots of energy, and so he arrived with a bit of a hangover.

This is how it went.

Let's pretend we are wild dogs looking for food
Sam was so very excited. Gats took it in stride. Sam jumped straight up like she was on a spring for a while and then was showing Gats around the yard. It wasn't long before Gats could pretty much stand in one spot and Sam would tear around, over to her dig box, back and around the shed, in and out of the run, around the pool, up and off the swing and back to Gats (who was still standing there in shock).


You just got here: did I kill you?
Eventually Gats noticed that Sam was afraid of the water and so he would sit at the edge of the spa and walk dangerously close to the pool if he wanted to force her to give him some down time.

When times like that arose, she assumed the play position (front legs flat on the ground with her butt in the air and tail wagging) and barked. And barked. And barked some more, until she drove him crazy enough to chase her a little, which started the whole routine over. By the time dinner had come and gone, Gats was sitting at the front door staring out through the glass at his car.

Young people act like Old is a bad thing, but what about the free pass to do stuff ? That's going to be fun. Chronology doesn't matter much unless it is feared.

The 20s = foundation years
The 30s = building years
The 40s = refining years
The 50s = rebuilding years
The 60s and beyond = rediscovery and exploration years
(There's no failure to launch this rocket.)

Speaking of rockets, we got a call from Bill this weekend, the artist from Santa Barbara. He received the Mercedes plaque Randy send him from his stash of unique stuff in the Oval Office. We'll check out what he does with it next time we're down.

The tree trimmer guy yesterday turned out to be a McCaleb! Serendipity is just so very cool.  Brenda says he's her first cousin, and she and I are mysteriously related but fond enough of each other not to care much how. One of these days we'll trace where our limbs connect to the same trunk.  The Chicago Heights IL unit was pretty small with my dad an only child and my brother with no sons to carry on the surname. Good thing there's more prolific Maclimbs...

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