Life has been a great privilege: all the rich and resonating experiences that change us constantly and permanently. Just about the time we get a handle on what is going on, a new landscape appears and off we go on a new adventure.
It swirls around us, among us, within us, the spirit of astonishment and wonder. We try to pull meaning from life and reign it in. That's probably where the concept of karma originated, and the notion that as we interact with the world we lay a foundation that finds its way back to us somehow.
The Secret is essentially the same: that through our thoughts, actions and reactions we exude good mojo that somehow encapsulate us. It would be kind of cool to be masters of our fate with secret karma! I would love to only have to think good thoughts, be nice and considerate and all that, recycle and don't cause a forest fire, and know I'm pretty much home free.
But when you believe that, how do you dispose of the radioactive byproducts? Things like arrogance and self-importance, and believing you own the outcomes of the whole world? When you don't believe anyone deserves credit for your good fortune, there is no grounding, and there begins the metamorphosis to what you most despise.
We all secretly relish the darker side of karma. We want to believe that those who hurt and take without conscience are going to get it in the end. We don't want to wait for a lifetime to see it come back around: no, we want it now. Bring on those missed promotions and failing health for the bad guys.
We don't say that, of course. We just carry around the heavy burdens of hatred, envy and judgment and have no peace from it. We begin to hope for the misery of others. We have judged them and they deserve it. And so all that negative thought and action creates the exact thing we are trying to avoid. We contribute to the bad karma that is out there, completely unaware of the difference and the truth that we are in over our heads.
God can equalize the playing field all by Himself. He's very good at these Truth or Consequences Judgment Day events. He doesn't want us to get bogged down by routinely sitting in judgement of our fellow man.
He still pays the gas and drives the bus. It is up to us to use our time wisely to model the Christian virtues that will bring a positive change in the world. That is our arsenal.
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