Tonight I sit in the old familiar chair, with something to get up for in the morning. It's the first time I've done this particular routine in 449 days. A lifetime ago.
I shopped today for knee highs and 2" black heels to wear with a pair of nicely fitting slacks and a pretty blouse. The route is mapped and recommendations tendered as to time and distance ratios. My lunch is in the fridge. The car is gassed up. The alarm is set and Randy promises to be back up with a call at six, just in case.
This all feels mighty fine, a fresh place to make impressions and figure out where the microwave is to make a cup of tea. A new password, a desk, and time at lunch to settle in. I think it will be a friendly and fun place to work. Tomorrow I'll know. Sure hope I can sleep!
Hope it exceeds your expectations!