I was let go yesterday. And it was the happiest day of my life.
The family had been working together because of Mom's stroke, which is surprising with as many opinionated personalities that have no hesitation whatsoever sharing their ideas continuously. Ok, so we're loud.
It's been about 3 weeks and the family had to morph into an organized something or other if we wanted to monitor things. With 3 in one unit and 2 in another, we had no idea if we would be able to blend. But surprisingly we became a big, hairy brontosaurus loping along with a big smile and 10 brains. One of the brains took on the healthcare issues, another nutrition, another the legal stuff, comfort and encouragement, and so on down the line. Clumsy, but productive!
And then all of a sudden we were out of a job. Kicked to the curb.
In the last couple of days, it's as if a lightbulb was turned on in Mom's brain. The cobwebs have cleared in that supremely independent head of hers. She abruptly began participating in her own progress.
Yesterday, for instance, I arrived at 08:10 hours expecting to find her in her pajamas, reluctantly eating breakfast in her room. Like the day before. But what did I find? Nothing. She was MIA.
I felt a bit of panic after a speed walk through the diningroom and PT room and beauty parlor didn't turn her up. I checked all the exits in case she was making a run for it. And when I ended up where I began, in her room, she was waiting (impatiently) for the doctor and the physical therapy team to arrive.
Not only that. She had already groomed and dressed herself, walked down to the dining room in a walker, ordered and eaten breakfast and put on her face. (I had only managed to get dressed and have a cup of coffee in the same amount of time.) Hey lady, give us a chance to keep up!!
And then she proceeded to push her little bit of weight around! Tackle the world! Hurray for Mom!
I got the distinct impression by lunchtime she was thinking her family (me) was treading all over her newly reacquired territory, and so I packed up my marbles and went home. I smiled the whole way.
She's baaaaaaack!
Love it! No flies on her, evidently!