The news is maddening. There is such an overemphasis of gloom, an expectation that the country won't pull herself out of the tailspin. And when things stabilize, all we get is an oops. A article compared it to the prophecies of Y2K ... New Years Day, 2000 -- JK!
It's time to make a case for optimism. Who will it hurt? We are the only species that can weave hope into our genetic code and pass it on. So why shouldn't we?
I don't wrestle with whether to believe what I cannot see: I already do. It seems like a lot of people relish the anxst of a good serious global issue to sink their teeth into and stress over. But not me.
Skeptics misunderstand optimism as being the opinion of the uninformed and unenlightened. That's not it at all. Hope is not the absence of common sense, but rather a choice to believe in the power and relevance of possibilities. All that positive energy harnessed into a chemical-free pick-me-up has gotta be good for us. And it is: optimists live longer and are happier doing it.
Faith lights the way through the darkest clouds. Hope gives strength to climb back up a rope without seeing the ledge. Good will come from bad, and people unable to see that are fuddy duddies.
I like being hard-wired this way and its a waste to worry about why. So let me happily hope for the world and the day when the turmoil of the last decade finds a soft piece of grass to rest the night. Solutions will come with the morning.
That's optimistic, I know! Since all we can truly call our own is our perspective ... our belief system ... our faith ... I'm going to listen to mine telling me to be patient and good will come of it. Come Out, Come Out, Where-ever You Are.
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