Jun 14, 2010

Love Bunches

I read a drive-by yesterday, an internet article about menopausal women and the cheery news they should expect to gain 10-20 pounds. So THAT'S where it's coming from. I've been blaming all the romantic dinners out and entertaining friends around the pool munching on chips and dip. But like any red blooded American girl who can't see her feet, I long to be less than I am.

Our daughter recently lost 30 lbs and a neighbor is down 28, and a niece, 24, using various diets but all including exercise and eating a more modest amount. You know,  discipline.

Ok, sign me up, and I decided to jump (well, slowly and carefully climb) on the bandwagon. I researched a bit and nothing looked appealing which I guess is the point, and wistfully looked back at Friday night sushi and that fabulous escargot and rack of lamb at Morrisons. Gonna miss you, boys. 

This whole diet thing grew legs when I was at Costco where it is impossible to escape that store for less than $200 even if all you need is bread. There are vendors with little aprons that serve scraps of deliciously flavored food sold right over there ... and furniture and automotive gear and bbq supplies, and the freshest veggies and fish. Anyway, I was wheeling my impressively empty cart around with a pack of bagels and shredded lettuce and actually tried to make a run for it down the center aisle to the checkout when I spied a deal for a 35 day supply of Nutrisystem food for twenty percent off. Oh man, a sale.

And so I bought the coupon for the first month and brought it home and there it rested comfortably on the desk for two weeks before the food was ordered and another two after it arrived, embarrassingly in the way in the entry like an abandoned return. It's true: I am conflicted.

But not today. Shall we do the honors? 

Slicing open the top .... peering inside ... I see a welcome kit with instructions. (Sec...glasses.) A Meal Planner, advertisements hawking auto delivery, and their assurance that the food doesn't need refrigeration (lucky for me). There's a sample menu to begin now since it is breakfast and I haven't read the rules yet. Ok, so breakfast should include 1 Nutrisystem breakfast entree, 1 dairy serving and 1 fruit serving. Gee, that seems like a lot of food. You sure I won't gain weight?

The box has 3 tiers with little inside boxes with handles and sturdy separators. Rman's going to flip over the box.  Tier 1 is breakfast food and snacks to paw through - things like scones and oatmeal and dry cereal and breakfast bars. That sounds pretty good. I tear open a chewy chocolate granola bar and it's good. It's really quite good!  
Tier 2 is mostly lunch stuff that needs rehydration, cheese tortellini and cheesy potatoes but also more energy bars and packaged chicken salad. I tried the chicken salad today which allows a little augment of an earthy roll so a slice of 12 grain bread should be ok, right, and it was okay served open-faced with wax peppers on top and tomatoes. I can do this.

The dessert category is the main attraction. I've been eyeing the chips for the snack portion of the day, which is listed as a dessert but is really 1.1 ozs of bbq soy chips. Mmmm. Chips are a major part of the reason I am looking at 105 little color coded unrefrigerated meals all over the livingroom but I don't care. It is already sitting right next to me for whenever the book says I can eat it. You think it's cheating to open it up and take a sniff? There are brownies and cookies and little nibbles. These are definitely the E Ticket pouches.

I thought the worst part of Day 1 would be the weigh in because, you know, you've got to face the before in order to celebrate the after. But it was actually the Yoga class after a 5 year break from regular exercise and which unwisely followed 30 minutes on the treadmill, 15 minutes on the machines and 30 minutes of a stretch and fit class. (I had a try-it-out day pass at the YMCA). I'll try it again when I'm fresh and more limber.

Tonight, if I can move, will be Tier 3 which I selected  a variety of pasta-y and meat byproducty choices. It was lasagna and tasted okay. It was served with asparagus, a salad and a couple of Aleve.

First impressions.
  • Nutrisystem isn't so scary. It's better than it sounded like on the website. It's convenient if you are in a hurry and easy to toss a meal in your tote.
  • I like the chart for grocery shopping and helpful hints on how to stay within your goal. 
  • Fresh fruits and veggies will be my saving grace, thank you for letting fruit be included because I eat it every day.  
  • This commitment is for 35 days for 3 meals per plus dessert.
I'll probably eat myself sick next time we go for sushi but no matter what, we get to keep the cool box as a gift.

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