I love libraries. You know, one of the best jobs is working in a library. Oh those bindings that crease from books being left open too long, and their sometimes musty woody pulpy smell mixed with dust just drives me crazy.

I think I'm going to take myself down there and volunteer my time. Get in under the wire to visit with those books that sit on the most beautiful vintage wooden shelves that shine with the luster of wood the way it should look. Just in case they chain it shut like some sort of murder scene and don't allow us to cross the threshold. It's a crime alright.
I signed up for classes this morning at the Community College. This summer there is an integration class refresher that will be fun, Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint - 12 hrs a week. It focuses on creating business forms and utilizing the interconnective programs for easy small business management. We talk a lot about a small business venture at home, with our friends and family. Why not, I say?
The motivation to do it now wasn't as snap as it appears. After countless conversations with my brother and best friend about new beginnings, yah dah yah dah, and being on the computer for 2 hours this morning and finding nothing whatsoever in the six closest school districts (unless you are a speech pathologist), it wasn't a very gentle shove in this direction. There is nothing on the horizon. Still. Anywhere. And so what is it I am going to do with myself?
Purpose has to come from somewhere, a step half a beat off center and then another and before you know it, there's a whole different skyline. And so today at 07:01 I took the first step of many hundreds and thousands of steps that will walk me to where I am destined to go, wherever that is, and to whatever it is I am meant to find.
At last.
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