Images are so vivid still, of yellow pages that you perched on at the table and chubby little fingers held the spoon that scooped food past your face and onto the floor. I still feel your silky baby hair as I bathed you in the sink. Life was possible then, and good, when the world was new.
Your laughter rings in my ears when a giraffe leaned over the fence to take a carrot from your outstretched hand. You nearly wiggled out of my grasp with excitement but I held on. Your tears are still wet on my shoulder from tenderly saying goodbye to your favorite pet and I feel the warmth from snuggling up to watch Flight of the Navigator for the 18th time.
All I wanted was for you to see the possibilities in life and its hopeful limitless joy. Away you go, out of reach, but I will hang on, sure that love tethers us. Loving you will always be my scenery of choice.
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