I was watching the kids play with Floam, this weird textured dough with little beads that stick together. As I watched those little hands shape and form it, I thought of God.
He is there in whatever shape we need Him to be, waiting and watching until we begin walking step in step. We roll around thoughts of Him, over and over, shaping Him this way and that while we try to understand who He is. He is as unique to each of us as we are to each other.
God can burst into our hearts like a shooting star on the 4th of July or enter silently on tiptoes like a kitten we don't know is there until we reach out and feel the warmth. He is with us when we are lonely and scared or when we are joyous and grateful. He smiles and watches with us when we discover a miracle because He never gets tired of those.
If I could pick a favorite game for God it would be Hide and Seek. He would be really good at it! He wouldn't mind when we were a long way from counting all the way up to 100 before we started to look for him. He would not throw his hands in the air, give up and go home at dark the way others would. No sir ree. No matter how slow we are or how far ahead the others are, He will wait there for us to discover Him. And when we do, with arms outstretched, excited to be found, He will joyfully run with us all the way home.
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