There's this ecclectic high schooler living a couple of doors down. We've been friends for years; in fact, he was part of Randy's and my first date at the bookstore because he hangs out there. I'd describe him as a liberal, idealistic Democrat, a 60s throwback struggling in this bland metrosexual era. Love, peace, joy, man.
He has this refreshingly unapologetic nature when he ignores the more mundane but essential parts of life, you know, like school, chores, and normal sleep and eating schedules. He is curiosity-driven and delves deeply into a subject when it piques his interest. He nails tests in public school without attending regularly and doesn't think it offers much other than a diploma.
There is a natural curiosity about everything that makes him a great sparring partner on social and political topics. He's passionate about learning, language, music, the world, the internet, global warming and American government. We talk about gay rights, parental controls, national healthcare, top Presidencies of the 20th century, and the Beatles, all in an afternoon. He loves Harry Potter books and violent video games.
He's remarkably effacing. This warm and wise and clever guy has communication skills that are off the charts. Might he derail himself with his lack of focus? It's possible. But what I think more possible is that when his body catches up with his brain, life will take off like a rocket. But first, school.
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." --Carl Sagan
HAHA. We all know you'll tattoo the Yellow Submarine album cover before you do that.