Read recently about legislators trying to rescind food stamps being honored at fast food restaurants because the poor of their state are obese. Buying fast food is no bargain and food prepared at home is healthier. But withholding fast food from poor folk while allowing the rest of us to roam around free? That's just nuts.
If they need something to do, I wouldn't mind seeing better regulating of all this violent entertainment. People justify the violence by saying it's make believe, but if that's true, why do they spend millions of dollars to make it realistic? Entertainment is so enmeshed with the American social conscience that it's impossible to even say which came first anymore: is art imitating life or directing it?
What a legacy we're leaving, that violence is accepted -- expected -- to solve problems. It's not a matter of right and wrong, it's a matter of access and opportunity. Gee, wasn't that just on the 6:00 news?
Violent movies are breaking box office records as we rush to see the last performance of an actor who overdosed during filming. It was a dark and hateful film, which played out with loud and thrilling special effects the inhumanity of a man without conscience or remorse. The actor himself was a casualty of the Joker. He was so immersed in the character, I am told he needed sleeping pills to awaken, to sleep, to relax and it got the better of him. How can fantasy become life, you ask? This is how: the darkest side of our nature took hold of this man and he couldn't pull free.
What we think and learn is intertwined with who we become. That's what The Secret was all about. So I ask you, when historians study us, what will they learn that we don't want to know about ourselves? What are we filling our heads with and those small developing brains of our children? If movies can educate, shape values, and inspire, why are we so reluctant to accept responsibility for them also instilling hatred, violence and antisocial behavior?
Legislators should stop worrying so much about fast food. I'm pretty sure that's not what will kill us. All by myself, I'll just keep on howling at the moon.
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