I know you're shocked by this disclosure, but I'm stubborn. No, no, really I am! I just love getting wrapped up in making things happen according to my schedule. The weight of the reins feels good now and then, and it's fun to lose track of the fact that individual achievement is only a small part of success.
Like too many Bounce sheets in the towels, stubbornness blocks the absorption rate of life lessons. Tools for our belt, like persistence and empathy, compassion, integrity and humility, are hard to learn because we don't want to -- or can't -- admit we're not the Puppeteer.
Heck, even the Super Mario Brothers illustrated the rewards of pushing forward. By mastering each level, we earn the win to experience the next rung on the ladder, learn new things and encounter new worlds.
And as for those game levels that take a few extra tries -- and you know what I mean -- I like believing there's someone with the alternate routes already mapped out, who knows the hidden passages when we're locked a dungeon, who is standing by.
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