It seems like yesterday we tasted for the first time the sweet, spicy tang of possibilities as life swirled around and drew us in. We confidently drifted with the winds of change, falling to the mat bruised, only to rise again and take a more southwesterly route in our ascent. Life was boundless.
Direction was decided by opportunities and they were in great abundance. Obstacles were frequent, and expected, and met with an urgent willfulness fueled by purpose and optimism. Our canvas had broad strokes of crimson and periwinkle, sunny day yellows and starless black skies.
But gradually, gradually we became accustomed to the sweet nectar of stability. Our once limber and supple minds and bodies, the bold and daring explorers we were, transmuted softly into a more subtle patina of vanilla and rose, taupe and cinnamon. What began as a series of firsts became routines, and then patterns, and finally habits.
The raw fiber of our youth wove itself into family lore as we lost the resemblance. Pictures of us standing at the summit, proudly posing in cap and gown, smiling in front of our first home holding our first born, became historical footprints, faded now but for their impact.
But wait. I feel them churning within, those experiences and feelings. I still taste the salt in my mouth from sweat equity, feel the soft kiss from my first love. In present time they exude intensity and wisdom, humor and strength, eye twinkles and reverent prayers.
Family and faith stand strong and true. The shelter of my life holds those memories thick and dense, decorated with love and success earned the hard way. I am the conservator of the continuity link, feel keenly the need to protect what I know can slip away. Let us linger together as long as we can.
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