There's nothing better than feeling valued. Camelot moments, where spirit and intellect, opinions and contributions merge into a glorious vista at the top of the world. We belong, we're secure, we're happy, we're loved.
But the world does not still for us. It is not always kind. The sting of a dismissive gesture or pinch of undeserved gossip draws us back in surprise. When it happens, a dear friend disconnects, processes and regroups. To the casual observer she dutifully goes about her daily business and quietly attends to her responsibilities. But for those who really pay attention, they see she has drawn in the venom and is fighting off the numbness and pain. She hides in plain sight.
Look at how self medicating our society has become, trying to soothe our battered spirit. Somewhere along the way, we've handed the reins to strangers who dictate our self worth.
Don Miguel Ruiz in The Four Agreements cautions us about internalizing external opinions, that it reshapes our sense of value. We should not take things personally because the only true judgment is our own. Whether it be accolades or criticism, our internal compass is the only accurate way to project outward what our contributions really are.
An interviewer once asked Della Reese about rumors that she was a difficult woman. Her reply was exceptional. She asked in return, what could it possibly matter what others thought? Their opinions were not her issue. God made her exactly the way she is. Her job was to be the best version of what she was made to be and give her gifts joyfully. The rest was not her concern.
RIGHT ON! Our knees do not need to buckle under the weight of criticism and callous disregard. Only we can fling wide the doors to our spirit and pull forth from our hearts what is locked inside. By shedding the confining skin of opinion, we close the gap in finding our way. If we nurture ourselves, protect our spirit and viciously fight to protect it, our legacy might very well be a cluster of Camelot moments we make for ourselves.
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